Here’s a challenge for all the Roman Empire fans. - Build a working aqueduct to span a 2m gap and test the result.
In Today’s Legion Journal
Build An Aqueduct In Your Backyard
All Roads Lead To Rome - 20 Best Movies Set In Ancient Rome Ranked, What Was it Like to Be a Roman Emperor? and more…
Building Rome A Day At A Time - How They Built The Eternal Roads In The Roman Empire
Roman Word Of The Day - emperium
Gusto! - Could you make a Hamburger in Ancient Rome?
Legacies of the Legions - The Gladiator’s Dolabra
Caesarean Psychology
Build An Aqueduct In Your Backyard
All Roads Lead To Rome
Metal detectorists find ancient Roman rings in Wales: photos
20 Best Movies Set In Ancient Rome Ranked
What Was it Like to Be a Roman Emperor?
A Second Coming of Age: Ritual Shaving as a Roman Rite ...
This paper examines a previously overlooked coming-of-age ceremony for Roman males – the first shaving of the beard, or barbatoria.
Cult temples and sacrificial pit unearthed at ancient Roman camp in Germany
Incredibly preserved piece of Ancient Roman life found in UK town
A slice of life in Roman Britain has been found underneath a new housing development in Newark.
Interest in ancient Roman treasure found in Powys field
The Roman Empire: How big was it really?
In terms of geographical extent, the Roman Empire was one of the largest in history, covering an estimated 5 million square kilometers at its height
5 famous Roman cities
Oct 7, 2020 — 5 famous Roman cities · First Roman city : Rome · Second Roman city : Nimes · Third Roman city : London · Fourth Roman city : Pompei · Fifth ...
Building Rome A Day At A Time
How They Built The Eternal Roads In The Roman Empire
Roman Word Of The Day
Etymology. From Latin imperium, inperium (“command, control, dominion, sovereignty, a dominion, empire”), from imperare, inperare (“to command, order”), from in (“in, on”) + parare (“to make ready, order”).
Could you make a Hamburger in Ancient Rome?
Legacies of the Legion
The Gladiator’s Dolabra
Caesarean Psychology
Everyone wants to lead an extraordinary life.
Who else do you know that should be thinking more about the Roman Empire?